<aside> đź“Ś Today, more and more people are getting great education, multiple degrees, and acquiring many skills. In order to stand out as an employee, team member, or leader, you need to learn how to be ALL IN. Adam Tarnow and David Morrison discuss 4 areas (Energy, Diligence, Growth, and Endurance) that will help give you the EDGE in your organization or team.


Key Takeaways


Being All In is key to standing out. Attitude, character, and mindset are required to stand out as an employee and team player.

While everyone is excelling in their studies, degree, and talent, it is less common for employees to be emotionally committed and engaged in their work. This will give you the EDGE.


Knowing your why leads to motivation. This is not a onetime exercise. This is a journey through trial and experience. To help you discover your why:

  1. Study your puzzle pieces and know which pieces fit and which don’t. Autonomy, mastering, impact, connection, purpose, results, are the 6 most common.
  2. Focus on match (skills and interest) over money.
  3. Know what’s happening today (even if it’s bad) is preparing you for tomorrow.

Optimism is key to instilling energy to your team. Optimism involves a form of improv (yes, and) to others. “Unhindered movement produces energy.” Focus on what people see, not what they hear (ie. External attitude speaks louder than words).

Manage your own fuel. No one can lead you where you’re unwilling to go yourself. Take care of yourself, be a whole person. If you burnout, it’s your fault.

Gratitude is key and is at your fingertips with a change in perspective. Expressing it consistently helps bring energy to your team. We tend to see problems easier than what’s going well. We also tend to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.


Competence builds trust among team members. Covey’s research shows character and competence are the two keys to building trust. Competence is the #1 question in problems minds while good character is assumed. Increase competence by understanding:

Being resourceful especially when facing issues helps you stand out. Seeing problems does not make you a leader, it makes you human. Solving problems makes you a leader.